Author: thebillplease_gn8s83
Unfortunately, Arduino’s Ethernet shield does not play very nice with other devices that want to use its select pins. After many searches, I came across jcw’s discussion board and Martin’s implementation doc. Because the...
My brother has been hacking Kinects to see how accurately it can track people and recognize object. I thought I’d try using a normal (non IR, 3D) camera to see what results I could...
This is my first 3D printed internet of things (thanks to Matthew Epler for printing it!). It reads from BuddyMedia’s conversionBuddy internal api and displays lifetime shares and daily $Rev/share. The cube also makes...
For this experiment, I wanted to let anyone turn my outside lights on/off. To do so, I followed’s example on home automation – incredibly detailed and helpful. I purchased a relay from ebay...
In this test, we setup the arduino as a web server and controlled the LED’s on/off state from its hosted webpage. Arduino reads the status of the LED and displays it on the webpage....
I wanted to play around with being able to control the arduino wirelessly. For this project, I used an OSC controller, an arduino, and processing. OSC would connect to an OSC server on the...